
【顶级期刊创业研究速递】JBV 2019年5月中英文摘要

王陆峰 志阳创谈 2023-05-24

Founder retention as CEO at IPO in emerging economies The role of private equity owners and national institutions



Bruce Hearn ,a, Igor Filatotchev ,b,c

a Department of Accounting, Centre for Research in Accounting, Accountability and Governance (CRAAG), Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, Building 2, University Road, Highfield Campus, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK

b King's College London, UK

c Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria



We integrate the institutional perspective with research on the governance role of private equity firms in an investigation of Founder-CEO successions in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) in emerging markets. Using a unique, hand-collected and comprehensive sample of 191 firms having undertaken IPOs in 21 markets across the African continent between January 2000 and August 2016, we apply instrumental variable (IV) Probit methodology and find that higher levels of private equity ownership are positively associated with the probability of the founder's retention as CEO, especially in the context of low-quality formal institutions. Further, in societies with high tribalism, higher private equity ownership is associated with an increased likelihood of founder retention. Voids in the institutional architecture underscore the importance of the founder as a key organizational resource for the firm and a source of institutionalized legitimacy, which in turn confers on the firm an ability to access required resources.

Entrepreneurial orientation and start-ups' external financing



Egle Vaznyte, Petra Andries

Ghent University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Tweekerkenstraat 2, 9000 Ghent, Belgium



This study extends the Pecking Order Theory by investigating the role of start-ups' strategic posture for financial decision-making. Using a contingency approach, it proposes that a start-up's entrepreneurial orientation differently affects the costs and benefits associated with external debt and equity financing, and thereby its use of the respective financing forms; with the strength of these relationships depending on industry-level risk and venture development stage. The study tests and confirms these hypotheses on a sample of 4456 German start-ups. It advances the entrepreneurial finance literature by taking strategic posture and its contingencies into account, and adds insight in the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance. It also provides valuable practical implications for start-up founders and external financiers.

The emergence of the maker movement: Implications for entrepreneurship research



Russell E. Browder ,a, Howard E. Aldrich ,b, Steven W. Bradley ,a

a Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, One Bear Place 98011, Waco, TX 76798-8011, USA

b Department of Sociology, 202 Hamilton Hall, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA



The maker movement has been touted as a harbinger of the next industrial revolution. Through shared access to tools and digital fabrication technologies, makers can act as producers in the sharing economy and potentially increase entrepreneurship rates, catalyze advanced manufacturing, and spur economic development. We develop a model of the maker movement configured around social exchange, technology resources, and knowledge creation and sharing. We highlight opportunities for studying the conditions under which the movement might foster entrepreneurship outcomes and discuss how research on the maker movement can deepen our understanding of entrepreneurial teams and corporate entrepreneurship.

How optimal distinctiveness affects new ventures failure risk A contingency perspective



Jan Goldenstein ,a, Michael Hunoldt ,a, Simon Oertel ,b

a Chair of Organization, Leadership, and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Carl-Zeiss-Strasse 3, 07743 Jena, Germany

b Management/Organization Group, Department of Economic Sciences and Media, Technische University Ilmenau, Langewiesener Strasse 22, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany



In this article, we apply the concept of optimal distinctiveness to test whether category spanning has a nonlinear effect on new ventures' risk to fail. We argue that by being optimally distinct, i.e., by attaining a level of category spanning that allows new ventures to benefit from balancing the competing needs of conformity with and differentiation from competitors, new ventures can improve their survival chances. In addition, we argue that the relevance of optimal distinctiveness varies with a venture's age and a category's density. We tested our hypotheses using data from 1668 metal bands that were founded in the United Kingdom between 1967 and 2005. The results indicate that optimal distinctiveness is relevant to new ventures' failure risk. Moreover, we show that venture age attenuates the relevance of optimal distinctiveness, whereas category density strengthens that factor's relevance.

Narcissism and learning from entrepreneurial failure



Yiran Liu ,a, Yong Li ,b, Xiling Hao ,c, Yuli Zhang ,d

a Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China

b University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89154, United States of America

c Anhui University of Finance and Economics, Anhui 233030, China

d Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China



Failure of a prior business provides an opportunity for an entrepreneur to learn in the subsequent entrepreneurial endeavor, but learning from failure is not guaranteed. Why do some entrepreneurs learn less from failure than others? In this study, we propose that a narcissistic personality can create cognitive and motivational obstacles to learning. We further posit that the inhibiting effect of narcissism will be more salient when the costs of failure, especially social costs, are higher. Our analysis with a survey sample of startups provides the initial empirical evidence about the negative impact of narcissism on learning from entrepreneurial failure. The study adds to research on learning from failure and narcissism in entrepreneurship.

Navigating liminality in new venture internationalization



Shameen Prashantham ,a, Steven W. Floyd ,b

a China Europe International Business School, 699 Hongfeng Road, Shanghai 201206, China

b Isenberg School of Management - UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003, USA



Prior research describes international expansion as a series of discrete steps and notes that taking them threatens new ventures' survival, especially due to unexpected setbacks. Seen through the lens of social science, the source of such threat becomes clearer. In this paper, we argue that internationalization in new ventures involves what social anthropologists call a liminal transition – a betwixt-and-between period lying between the intent to internationalize and the realization of a stable internationalized state. The ambiguous and transitory nature of this liminal transition has the potential to increase the odds of overreach (e.g. a high-cost market entry without sufficient resources). Avoiding the negative influence of liminality – and instead harnessing its positive effect – relies on three sources of support that we refer to as opportunity scaffolding: self-reflective learning, peer learning and consultative learning. We argue that entrepreneurs with personality profiles high in levels of core self-evaluation (CSE) are more likely to utilize the scaffolding like that available in business incubators effectively. This leads to the development of a more reflective mindset, making capability learning more likely, preventing decisions that lead to overreach and reducing the threat to INV survival. However we also strike a note of caution in that at excessive (hyper) levels of CSE, the internationalizing new venture could become the victim of hubris. Emboldened with unrealistically high self-confidence, hubristic entrepreneurs are more likely to rebuff use of scaffolding, leading to a more reactive mindset, increasing the probability of liminal overreach and threatening INV survival

Biased and overconfident, unbiased but going for it  How framing and anchoring affect the decision to start a new venture



Saulo Dubard Barbosa , a, Alain Fayolle ,a, Brett R. Smith ,b

a EMLYON Business School, 23, avenue Guy de Collongue, 69134 Ecully Cedex, France

b Miami University, United States of America



Cognitive heuristics, biases, and overconfidence have been suggested as an explanation for entrepreneurial entry. Nevertheless, empirical research on the subject has produced mixed findings and has under-explored the cognitive mechanisms leading to overconfidence in entrepreneurial settings. In two within-subject experiments, we focus on three cognitive heuristics—reference point framing, outcome salience framing, and anchoring in conjunctive events—and examine their effects on perceived risk, confidence, required and estimated probabilities of success, and the decision to start a new venture. Our findings show that reference point framing and outcome salience framing affect the decision to enter directly and indirectly via risk perception, but do not affect confidence. In addition, the effect of anchoring is contingent on the congruence between its semantic and its numeric influences. Overconfidence only obtains when the numeric and semantic influences of anchoring are aligned and aimed at enhancing the salience of potential positive outcomes, i.e., through high probabilities of success.

The co-evolution of social networks and selection system orientations as core constituents of institutional logics of future entrepreneurs at school



Joris J. Ebbers ,a, Nachoem M. Wijnberg ,a,b

a University of Amsterdam Business School, Plantage Muidergracht 12, 1018 TV Amsterdam, the Netherlands

b University of Johannesburg, College of Business and Economics



In contexts where a choice between competing institutional logics is possible, the social networks of future entrepreneurs affect their adoption of particular logics. Using a panel data method for studying the co-evolution of social networks and individual actor behavior (SIENA), we study how selection system orientations as core constituents of institutional logics affect, and are affected by, social networks. Our empirical setting is a cohort of film school students, whose social network ties and selection system orientations are measured over a period of three years. We find that students with a strong market selection orientation are less popular among their peers at school, and that the market selection orientation of students is influenced through their social network ties with students from the same cohort.



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- 图文编辑:王陆峰 -



